RED: Everything but boring

Intrigued on how to use red in your interiors? Here are some meanings, effects and applications of this beautiful color in your space.

It’s said that red was the first color to be named. This tonality is part of the so-called primary colors and we can find it in many day-to-day elements. However, throughout history, it has acquired different meanings and connotations. The red color has been a sign of power and nobility, anger, aggressiveness, love, passion and even, in some eastern cultures, happiness.

Red is a very strident and visually striking color; it even has effects on our heart rate and usually produces noticeable neuronal activation. For that same reason, it is usually related to passionate and energetic feelings, whether they are positive passions (love) or negative (anger).

The same color that excites us and can induce activation or alarm, can also make us feel welcomed. The psychological influences of red are very frequent and, in this case, we feel warm when the tone of this color is not too strident. In western culture, it is also associated with love and sensuality.

It's curious that in certain cultures red symbolizes joy. In China, for example, red is used as an adjective to define a business that is prospering or a person who has good fortune. The red color in eastern cultures means good luck and happiness.

How to use red in decoration?

A dark red will give a luxurious impression. A red with brown touches is associated with wood. It gives us an impression of a much more rustic atmosphere if it is accompanied by exotic woods.

A vermilion red allows to give more light to a room, even if it is small, since it is a shade that attracts light.

A touch of red gives life, warmth and creates a vibrant atmosphere. It is certainly a tremendous alternative to create a "wow effect" just by adding a few decorative elements.

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